Author’s techniques and developments

Doctor of Medical Sciences Igor Aznauryan is the author of more than 150 publications, in foreign and Russian literature, more than 20 rationalization proposals and inventions, which reflect his 30-year clinical experience in the field of pediatric eye diseases and ophthalmic surgery.

The following proprietary methodologies and developments have proved particular effectiveness:

  1. The device for the quantitative evaluation of binocular vision.
  2. The device for conservative treatment of refractive amblyopia in astigmatic children.
  3. The method for complex dosage treatment of refractive amblyopia in children.
  4. The method for diagnosing of meridional amblyopia with direct hypermetropic astigmatism in children.
  5. The method for diagnosing meridional amblyopia with myopic astigmatism in children.
  6. The method of surgical correction of mixed astigmatism in children
  7. The device for the treatment of amblyopia and binocular vision disorders
  8. The method of complex dosing treatment of refractive amblyopia in astigmatic children
  9. The binocular optometric complex (BOK-1)
  10. The program for individual modeling of surgical intervention of horizontal strabismus “STRABO”
  11. The principle of mathematical modeling of eye surgery in children. Technique for precise low-traumatic surgery.
  12. Tactics for complex treatment of children with nystagmus.
  13. Methods of surgical treatment: eso- and exotropia with small and unstable angles, paralytic strabismus, nystagmus.
  14. Software for restoration of stereoscopic vision in otherwise untreatable cases.
  15. A project on creation of a new method for treating the pathology of binocular functions in children and adolescents, developed in collaboration with American colleagues.





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