The charitable event “Beautiful eyes for everyone!” is an annual event, timed to coincide with the birthday of Academician Sviatoslav Fedorov. This event is a tribute to the memory of an outstanding ophthalmologist, eye microsurgeon, reformer, innovator and author of progressive methods of treating various eye pathologies, one of the pioneers of radial keratotomy, a brilliant and noble person.
The name of Academician Sviatoslav Fedorov has a big meaning for many people. It is impossible to overestimate the impact of his personality. The scale and magnitude of his authority in medicine are extraordinary; his genius was undeniable and earned a deep respect both among patients and leading ophthalmologists.
On the birthday of Sviatoslav Fedorov (August 8) his colleagues, former students and followers take part in the international charitable event “Beautiful eyes for everyone!” and perform free consulation services and surgeries for everyone who needs vision care, continuing the noble deeds of the teacher and a mentor with deep respect and pride.
As a student of Sviatoslav Fedorov, Igor Aznauryan and members of Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinics “Yasniy Vzor” take part in the annual charitable event “Beautiful eyes for everyone!” for more than 10 years in memory of the great Russian ophthalmologist. Within the framework of the event, thousands of children from different parts of the country receive free qualified ophthalmologic care.