The idea of creating my own pediatric ophthalmology clinic engendered as far back as in the times of the Soviet Union. I was a graduate student of 25 years old – a young pediatric ophthalmologist at the Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz.
Pediatric ophthalmology at the time was a fresh ground, which was plowed by very few – the real professionals in their field.
There was a great desire to transform this field, to fill it with new kinds of diagnostics and treatment, with new standards. But there were no such opportunities in the system of state medicine.I defended my thesis and started working at an Inter-sectorial Research and Technology Complex (IRTC) “Eye Microsurgery” as a “primary care ophthalmologist” (this was the lowest level in the hierarchy at that time), and a year and a half later I headed the department of pediatric ophthalmology.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the conditions changed. The state IRTC was given the opportunity to work as a commercial institution. It was a launching ground for the assembling of a team that was able to realize the business idea of financially effective pediatric ophthalmology service.
Sviatoslav Fedorov was the only one who believed in me and opened the way.
As a result of my work one small office turned into a big department, occupying 2 floors, with a large number of patients served by two doctors and eight nurses.
We had about thousand patients in a month. This was the second largest department in IRTC.
To my great regret, the tragic death of Sviatoslav Fedorov became the reason for the withdrawal of the entire team from the IRTC.
It was 2001. It became possible to organize a non-governmental medical institution and to bring to life the dream of my youth – to give patients “The joy of clear vision!”
“Yasniy Vzor” started with one office. We grew up and opened new clinics…Doctor of Medical Sciences Igor Aznauryan
Clinics "Yasniy Vzor" today
Today, "Yasniy Vzor" is the only system of specialized pediatric ophthalmology clinics in Russia, in which diagnosis and complex treatment of any pediatric ophthalmology pathology in children from 0 to 18 years old is carried out.
Today, the clinics "Yasniy Vzor" are composed of 10 outpatient units in Moscow and Kaliningrad, a specialized pediatric ophthalmology surgical hospital. It is the largest system of pediatric ophthalmology in Russia with the staff of more than 150 people and its own scientific and educational center.
The system of specialized pediatric ophthalmology clinics "Yasniy Vzor" includes:
- Surgery department
- Department of laser vision correction «LaserCorr»
- Department of high-tech diagnostic methods
- Department of high-tech methods of treatment
- 7 departments of the basic treatment located in the residential areas of Moscow
- Clinical and diagnostic department in Kaliningrad
- Center of Advanced Training for Ophthalmologists
- We have developed and implemented our standards for diagnosis and treatment; we came up with innovative therapeutic and surgical technologies that correspond, and in some respects, exceed the international ones.
- We have developed and implemented into clinical practice new ways of diagnosing the functional state of the visual system and its disorders based on the neurophysiological analysis of the response of the material substrate of the visual cortex of the brain.
- We have determined the patterns of refractogenesis in children with optical anomalies.
- We have developed and implemented the technology of low-traumatic surgery of the oculomotor muscles, which reduces the period of postoperative rehabilitation 5-fold and minimizes the postoperative scarring process.
- We have developed a system for mathematical modeling of the result of strabismus surgery.
- We have developed and implemented a three-stage surgical correction system for nystagmus
- We have developed and implemented into practice a new effective system for the treatment of meridional amblyopia in children and adolescents, which allows for a full rehabilitation of patients with high degrees of astigmatism — a condition previously considered to be extremely hard to treat.
We are proud of our achievements!
- For the first time in Russia, we have introduced DNA analysis standards into practice of inherited eye diseases treatment in children, and organized a DNA center at our organization — the only DNA center in Russia at an ophthalmic clinic, which actively interacts with partner centers and laboratories in the USA and Europe.
- We have entered the compulsory health insurance system and have been working in this system for more than four years.
- We have realized the principle of territorial proximity and accessibility of specialized effective modern high-tech medical care and a comfortable level of care and management of our patients.
- Our organization is one of 16 organizations from 14 countries of the world invited to the International Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
- Council (IPOSC). This is the only global institution, which determines the vectors of development and research in the field of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus.
- We have conducted work on organizing and participating in broad international cooperation with different countries on exchange programs for specialists and technologies.
- We are invited to participate in all major medical ophthalmological associations and institutions from Asia to America.
We are 18 years old. We do not stop on what was achieved. We are moving forward!
Contacts in Moscow
Telephone: +7 495 185-01-13
Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinics addresses:
- metro station Bratislawskaya Novomariinskaya str., h.15
- metro station Prospekt Mira Gilyarovskogo str., h.10, bldg.1
- metro station Elektrozavodskaia Bakuninskaya str., h.94
- metro station boulevard Dmitriya Donskogo Znamienskiye sadki str., h.7, bldg. 1
- metro station Sokol Chasovaya str., h.25
- metro station Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Beskudnikovski boulevard, h.32, bldg.5
- metro station Prospekt Vernadsky Udaltsova str., h.10
- metro station Yugo-Zapadnaya Glavmosstroj str., h.4, bldg.2
Contacts in Kaliningrad:
Telephone: +7 (4012) 697-661
Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinic addresses: